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Super Smash Bros Mac

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Super Smash Bros Mac
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  2. Super Smash Bros Mac Download
Classic Mode with Mario:
Sonic => Bayonetta =>Little Mac => Ike => Luigi => Roy => Dr. Mario => Olimar => Bowser
Classic Mode with Donkey Kong:
Bowser => Pokémon Trainer => Rosalina & Luma => King Dedede => Sheik => Greninja => Diddy Kong => Duck Hunt => Sonic
Classic Mode with Link:
King K. Rool => Ice Climbers => Simon => Meta Knight => Snake => Young Link => Richter => Toon Link => Sonic
Classic Mode with Samus:
Inkling => Wii Fit Trainer => Pit => Incineroar => Dark Samus => Cloud => Wario => Dark Pit => Sonic
Classic Mode with Yoshi:
Lucario => Marth => Ryu => Ganondorf => Lucina => Ridley => Chrom => Ken => Sonic
Classic Mode with Kirby:
Ness => Jigglypuff => Pac-Man => Zelda => Robin => Corrin => Lucas => Palutena => Sonic
Classic Mode with Fox:
Captain Falcon => Zero Suit Samus => Peach => Falco => Daisy => Bowser Jr. => Wolf => Mewtwo => Sonic
Classic Mode with Pikachu:
Villager => Shulk => R.O.B. => Mega Man => Isabelle => Mr. Game & Watch => Pichu => Sonic
!!! This also works for the non original 8 fighters. For example, if you want to unlock Little Mac, you can also do it if you play Classic Mode with Bayonetta.
After unlocking all characters from the Mario Group, then the queue will start in Donkey Kong Classic Mode queue. For the rest, it will go back to Mario Classic Mode queue.

In this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide, we will guide you on how you can play with Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Little Mac is a boxer and naturally his boxing style is featured around boxing as well. He is a very agile, fast on his feet and precise fighter who features both brains and brawn in one decent package.

We have curated this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide in which we will guide you on how you can play with Little Mac and also how to play against him. We will detail all his attacks including the neutral attacks, special attacks, grounded attacks and more. With this guide, you will get to know Little Mac's strengths and weaknesses.

Our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide details everything that you need to know about Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • In this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide, we will guide you on how you can play with Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Little Mac is a boxer and naturally his boxing style is featured around boxing as well. Check out the detailed guide inside!
  • Spins 180° to throw a quick, downward angled right hook in each direction. It is very fast and acts as a powerful semi-spike which hits on both sides. Coupled with its long range, it is one of Little Mac's only edgeguarding options. Like his other smash attacks, it grants super armor (frames 7-10 and 15-17).


For Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'What limits Little Mac more in your honest opinion'. Little Mac (リトル・マック, Little Mac) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, officially confirmed on June 12th, 2018. Little Mac is classified as fighter #49. Kōsuke Toriumi reprises his role as Little Mac in the game, albeit via reused voice clips from Smash 4.

Little Mac excels at ground combat and seriously lacks in air combat. In a normal game, this would have meant little thing but in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it is equally important for fighters to be good at air combat as well. If you really want to use Little Mac, we recommend that you stick to the ground with him and avoid air combat at all.

On the ground, Little Mac's attacks are unforgiving and can dish out a lot of damage with even his basic attacks. He has one of the fastest dash attacks in the game. The speed of his grounded attacks is also very fast and he gives little time to his opponents to think much if they come in front of Little Mac.

During his Smash attacks, his armor increases massively so he gets very little damage if someone tries to attack at the same time. On the ground, the only weak thing Little Mac suffers from is his grab speed which is painstakingly low and most enemies will easily escape from it. Little Mac can also jump from walls making him more agile during ground combat.

Other Developer Subscription options: Supported versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Subscriptions are also available. See this complete list to choose from. If you're a Red Hat technology partner (e.g. An ISV), no-cost (Not for Resale - NFR) subscriptions are available by joining Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners.Once there, register your company and join the 'Zone' for. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later releases do not support installation on i686, 32 bit hardware. ISO installation media is only provided for 64-bit hardware. Refer to Red Hat Enterprise Linux technology capabilities and limits for additional details. Red hat enterprise linux 7 iso free download 32 bit.

Little Mac has a unique KO Power Meter above his portrait. This refills overtime as Little Mac dishes out damage to enemies or receives it. Once the meter is full, Little Mac can unleash special attacks which pack more punch and cannot be used if the KO meter is not full. Use this meter to even the odds with enemies who excel in air combat.


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We have detailed Little Mac's moves below.

Super Smash Bros Mac

Grounded Attacks

Little Mac's main strength is his ground attacks. We have detailed them below.

Neutral Attack Combo

Little Mac's neutral attack combo has two variations depending how you want to end it. The first two hits will deal 1.5 damage each and the third one will deal 0.5xN damage for initial hits and ends the flurry of hits with a hit that deals 3 damage and knocks enemies away from Little Mac. You can use the space to land another powerful attack.

If you opt for the second variation, instead of the flurry, Little Mac will unleash a powerful uppercut which deals 5 damage to enemies. This knocks away enemies from him allowing Little Mac to follow up with more punches. Little Mac's first two attacks can be shielded easily. If they are shielded, you can either move back quickly or use the uppercut third move to counter the enemies if they want to use a counter.

Dash Attack

Little Mac's Dash attack deals 10 damage to enemies and launches them in the air with massive power. Little Mac's powerful punch can however be shielded by enemies so watch out for that. After the attack, Little Mac will not pass through enemies so if they shield the attack, you will be an easy target for them. The attack boasts a decent hit area however as it starts in the air and goes to the ground.

Defensive Attacks

Little Mac's ledge attack deals 9 damage to enemies and wakeup attack deals 7 damage to enemies.

Tilt Attacks

Little Mac has three Tilt attacks which are detailed below.

Side Tilt

It deals 4 and 8 damage while launching enemies away in the air. This is a two hit combo where Little Mac will first land a straight punch and then follow up with another more powerful hit which launches enemies away from Little Mac. This attack has decent range and speed as well. Few enemies will stand in your way if you use this attack.

Up Tilt

Super Smash Bros Download

It deals 6.5 damage to enemies and sets them up nicely above Little Mac for a follow up attack. For this attack, Little Mac will swing his punch arm above his head in the form of a wide arc. All enemies hit by this attack are knocked above in the air further. The arc is pretty wide so enemies hit by this attack are located at the front, back and above Little Mac. However, watch out for enemy shields.

Down Tilt

It deals 8 damage to enemies and also knocks them away setting them up for attacks. For this attack, Little Mac will bend down and land a powerful attack at his enemies which will launch them up in the air. The speed of this attack is exceptionally fast which gives little time to opponents to think of a counter in front of you.


Smash Attacks

Little Mac has three Smash attacks. We have detailed them below.

Side Smash

Little Mac's side smash deals 20 damage to enemies. After the hit, this attack launches enemies in the air and you can also control the angle of the hit by using the control stick during the early phase. This is a very powerful attack as Little Mac will charge up the attack at his back and then land a powerful punch hit at the front.

The attack will literally blast away enemies from Little Mac due to the sheer force of the attack. If you aim the attack up in the air, it will be a powerful uppercut and if you aim it a little low the attack will hit enemies near their legs. The attack intensity will be same for both attacks. We recommend that you charge it up a bit so that even if someone shields the attack, they are stunned because of it.

Up Smash

This attack deals 21 damage to enemies. Enemies hit by the attack are launched in the air and if they are hit early in the attack, the damage dealt to enemies is much higher than before. This time Little Mac will aim his fist above him and land a powerful uppercut to enemies above him. Enemies will take damage and fly high in the air above if not KO'd.

Down Smash

This attack deals 13 damage to enemies and knocks them away. Little Mac will use his fist to perform a powerful dual sides sweep that will knock all enemies away from Little Mac upon impact. After the attack, the recovery time is a little high so watch out for enemy shields. Also make sure that you land the attack or enemies will be able to attack you instead during your recovery.


Little Mac's grab attack deals 1 damage. Throwing them at the front will deal 8 damage and back throw will deal 9 damage to enemies. Back throw is also the most powerful throw for them. Both up throw and down throw deals 7 damage to enemies and sets the enemies up for follow up combos.

Although the grab range is very impressive, the overall grab speed and its animation is very slow and you will need to be careful and time the grab right. The up throw does not too much power so you might not get the time to follow up with a combo always. Ground throw ensures a follow up combo. Compared to his other attacks, Little Mac's grabs are slow and weak, avoid them if possible.

Aerial Attacks

This section of the guide lists Little Mac's air-to-air attacks. Little Mac is not very effective in air so we recommend that you stick to ground combat with him if possible.

Neutral Air Attack

It deals 2 damage. Little Mac will deliver a mediocre forward punch at a relatively lower angle. The attack does not deal a lot of damage but its recovery time and initial attack time are very fast making it a decent aerial attack. This attack is good for interrupting other player's slower attacks and annoying them with random hit and run punches.

Forward Air Attack

It deals 5 damage to enemies. Little Mac will land a powerful fist swing at his front and enemies hit by it will suffer a mediocre knockback. The recovery time and initial time for this attack is slightly greater then Neutral Air Attack but the damage is slightly more. The attack is itself pretty short so make it count if you want to use it.

Super Smash Bros Mac Download

Back Air Attack

  1. Super Smash Bros Download
  2. Super Smash Bros Mac Download
Classic Mode with Mario:
Sonic => Bayonetta =>Little Mac => Ike => Luigi => Roy => Dr. Mario => Olimar => Bowser
Classic Mode with Donkey Kong:
Bowser => Pokémon Trainer => Rosalina & Luma => King Dedede => Sheik => Greninja => Diddy Kong => Duck Hunt => Sonic
Classic Mode with Link:
King K. Rool => Ice Climbers => Simon => Meta Knight => Snake => Young Link => Richter => Toon Link => Sonic
Classic Mode with Samus:
Inkling => Wii Fit Trainer => Pit => Incineroar => Dark Samus => Cloud => Wario => Dark Pit => Sonic
Classic Mode with Yoshi:
Lucario => Marth => Ryu => Ganondorf => Lucina => Ridley => Chrom => Ken => Sonic
Classic Mode with Kirby:
Ness => Jigglypuff => Pac-Man => Zelda => Robin => Corrin => Lucas => Palutena => Sonic
Classic Mode with Fox:
Captain Falcon => Zero Suit Samus => Peach => Falco => Daisy => Bowser Jr. => Wolf => Mewtwo => Sonic
Classic Mode with Pikachu:
Villager => Shulk => R.O.B. => Mega Man => Isabelle => Mr. Game & Watch => Pichu => Sonic
!!! This also works for the non original 8 fighters. For example, if you want to unlock Little Mac, you can also do it if you play Classic Mode with Bayonetta.
After unlocking all characters from the Mario Group, then the queue will start in Donkey Kong Classic Mode queue. For the rest, it will go back to Mario Classic Mode queue.

In this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide, we will guide you on how you can play with Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Little Mac is a boxer and naturally his boxing style is featured around boxing as well. He is a very agile, fast on his feet and precise fighter who features both brains and brawn in one decent package.

We have curated this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide in which we will guide you on how you can play with Little Mac and also how to play against him. We will detail all his attacks including the neutral attacks, special attacks, grounded attacks and more. With this guide, you will get to know Little Mac's strengths and weaknesses.

Our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide details everything that you need to know about Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • In this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide, we will guide you on how you can play with Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Little Mac is a boxer and naturally his boxing style is featured around boxing as well. Check out the detailed guide inside!
  • Spins 180° to throw a quick, downward angled right hook in each direction. It is very fast and acts as a powerful semi-spike which hits on both sides. Coupled with its long range, it is one of Little Mac's only edgeguarding options. Like his other smash attacks, it grants super armor (frames 7-10 and 15-17).


For Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'What limits Little Mac more in your honest opinion'. Little Mac (リトル・マック, Little Mac) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, officially confirmed on June 12th, 2018. Little Mac is classified as fighter #49. Kōsuke Toriumi reprises his role as Little Mac in the game, albeit via reused voice clips from Smash 4.

Little Mac excels at ground combat and seriously lacks in air combat. In a normal game, this would have meant little thing but in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it is equally important for fighters to be good at air combat as well. If you really want to use Little Mac, we recommend that you stick to the ground with him and avoid air combat at all.

On the ground, Little Mac's attacks are unforgiving and can dish out a lot of damage with even his basic attacks. He has one of the fastest dash attacks in the game. The speed of his grounded attacks is also very fast and he gives little time to his opponents to think much if they come in front of Little Mac.

During his Smash attacks, his armor increases massively so he gets very little damage if someone tries to attack at the same time. On the ground, the only weak thing Little Mac suffers from is his grab speed which is painstakingly low and most enemies will easily escape from it. Little Mac can also jump from walls making him more agile during ground combat.

Other Developer Subscription options: Supported versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Subscriptions are also available. See this complete list to choose from. If you're a Red Hat technology partner (e.g. An ISV), no-cost (Not for Resale - NFR) subscriptions are available by joining Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners.Once there, register your company and join the 'Zone' for. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later releases do not support installation on i686, 32 bit hardware. ISO installation media is only provided for 64-bit hardware. Refer to Red Hat Enterprise Linux technology capabilities and limits for additional details. Red hat enterprise linux 7 iso free download 32 bit.

Little Mac has a unique KO Power Meter above his portrait. This refills overtime as Little Mac dishes out damage to enemies or receives it. Once the meter is full, Little Mac can unleash special attacks which pack more punch and cannot be used if the KO meter is not full. Use this meter to even the odds with enemies who excel in air combat.


We have detailed Little Mac's moves below.

Grounded Attacks

Little Mac's main strength is his ground attacks. We have detailed them below.

Neutral Attack Combo

Little Mac's neutral attack combo has two variations depending how you want to end it. The first two hits will deal 1.5 damage each and the third one will deal 0.5xN damage for initial hits and ends the flurry of hits with a hit that deals 3 damage and knocks enemies away from Little Mac. You can use the space to land another powerful attack.

If you opt for the second variation, instead of the flurry, Little Mac will unleash a powerful uppercut which deals 5 damage to enemies. This knocks away enemies from him allowing Little Mac to follow up with more punches. Little Mac's first two attacks can be shielded easily. If they are shielded, you can either move back quickly or use the uppercut third move to counter the enemies if they want to use a counter.

Dash Attack

Little Mac's Dash attack deals 10 damage to enemies and launches them in the air with massive power. Little Mac's powerful punch can however be shielded by enemies so watch out for that. After the attack, Little Mac will not pass through enemies so if they shield the attack, you will be an easy target for them. The attack boasts a decent hit area however as it starts in the air and goes to the ground.

Defensive Attacks

Little Mac's ledge attack deals 9 damage to enemies and wakeup attack deals 7 damage to enemies.

Tilt Attacks

Little Mac has three Tilt attacks which are detailed below.

Side Tilt

It deals 4 and 8 damage while launching enemies away in the air. This is a two hit combo where Little Mac will first land a straight punch and then follow up with another more powerful hit which launches enemies away from Little Mac. This attack has decent range and speed as well. Few enemies will stand in your way if you use this attack.

Up Tilt

Super Smash Bros Download

It deals 6.5 damage to enemies and sets them up nicely above Little Mac for a follow up attack. For this attack, Little Mac will swing his punch arm above his head in the form of a wide arc. All enemies hit by this attack are knocked above in the air further. The arc is pretty wide so enemies hit by this attack are located at the front, back and above Little Mac. However, watch out for enemy shields.

Down Tilt

It deals 8 damage to enemies and also knocks them away setting them up for attacks. For this attack, Little Mac will bend down and land a powerful attack at his enemies which will launch them up in the air. The speed of this attack is exceptionally fast which gives little time to opponents to think of a counter in front of you.

Smash Attacks

Little Mac has three Smash attacks. We have detailed them below.

Side Smash

Little Mac's side smash deals 20 damage to enemies. After the hit, this attack launches enemies in the air and you can also control the angle of the hit by using the control stick during the early phase. This is a very powerful attack as Little Mac will charge up the attack at his back and then land a powerful punch hit at the front.

The attack will literally blast away enemies from Little Mac due to the sheer force of the attack. If you aim the attack up in the air, it will be a powerful uppercut and if you aim it a little low the attack will hit enemies near their legs. The attack intensity will be same for both attacks. We recommend that you charge it up a bit so that even if someone shields the attack, they are stunned because of it.

Up Smash

This attack deals 21 damage to enemies. Enemies hit by the attack are launched in the air and if they are hit early in the attack, the damage dealt to enemies is much higher than before. This time Little Mac will aim his fist above him and land a powerful uppercut to enemies above him. Enemies will take damage and fly high in the air above if not KO'd.

Down Smash

This attack deals 13 damage to enemies and knocks them away. Little Mac will use his fist to perform a powerful dual sides sweep that will knock all enemies away from Little Mac upon impact. After the attack, the recovery time is a little high so watch out for enemy shields. Also make sure that you land the attack or enemies will be able to attack you instead during your recovery.


Little Mac's grab attack deals 1 damage. Throwing them at the front will deal 8 damage and back throw will deal 9 damage to enemies. Back throw is also the most powerful throw for them. Both up throw and down throw deals 7 damage to enemies and sets the enemies up for follow up combos.

Although the grab range is very impressive, the overall grab speed and its animation is very slow and you will need to be careful and time the grab right. The up throw does not too much power so you might not get the time to follow up with a combo always. Ground throw ensures a follow up combo. Compared to his other attacks, Little Mac's grabs are slow and weak, avoid them if possible.

Aerial Attacks

This section of the guide lists Little Mac's air-to-air attacks. Little Mac is not very effective in air so we recommend that you stick to ground combat with him if possible.

Neutral Air Attack

It deals 2 damage. Little Mac will deliver a mediocre forward punch at a relatively lower angle. The attack does not deal a lot of damage but its recovery time and initial attack time are very fast making it a decent aerial attack. This attack is good for interrupting other player's slower attacks and annoying them with random hit and run punches.

Forward Air Attack

It deals 5 damage to enemies. Little Mac will land a powerful fist swing at his front and enemies hit by it will suffer a mediocre knockback. The recovery time and initial time for this attack is slightly greater then Neutral Air Attack but the damage is slightly more. The attack is itself pretty short so make it count if you want to use it.

Super Smash Bros Mac Download

Back Air Attack

It deals 6 damage to enemies. Little Mac will turn around and land a powerful fist punch to enemies behind him. This will knock the enemies away. If you manage to hit the tip of Little Mac's glove, maximum damage is dealt to enemies. This is only useful while attempting to prevent enemies from ledge recoveries.

Up Air Attack

It deals 5 damage to enemies. Little Mac will reach up and land a powerful punch above him. This attack is not very powerful when it comes to damage or launching them above for a follow up attack. The recovery time is also very high so this attack has no benefits which can be helpful in combat in the air.

Down Air Attack

It deals 5 damage. Little Mac will attack enemies while coming down with a powerful punch making them flinch. The attack is quick yet not very effective when it comes to damage dealing. This also requires precision as the hitbox is pretty small. Best to avoid this attack as well.

Special Attacks

Little Mac has four normal special attack moves and one special KO move. We have detailed them below.

Neutral Special – Straight Lunge

This attack deals 10 – 30 damage. Little Mac will land a powerful blow in front with his fist. You can also charge the attack to increase its damage. More time you take to charge the attack, greater the damage it will land. Enemies hit by the punch will be knocked away from him. If someone attacks while Little Mac is charging, they will not interrupt or stop his lunge making it a good attack to land.

Neutral Special 2 – KO Uppercut

This attack deals a solid 35 damage. This is your special attack which can be performed only when Little Mac's KO meter is full. Once the meter is full, your neutral special will automatically become the KO neutral special attack. This attack is also unblockable and unshieldable which makes this a formidable attack.

Side Special – Jolt Haymaker

This attack deals 14 damage. Little Mac will lunge ahead and deliver a powerful punch attack that will launch enemies away from him. During this lunge, Little Mac's lower body will resist all damage and interruptions. If shielded, you will be left in the open so watch out for enemy shields.

You can also use this attack to recover and get back on the ground because Little Mac covers a lot of distance during this attack. The move allows you to jump twice after performing it so use that to your advantage.

Up Special – Rising Uppercut

This attack deals 3, 1×4 and 3 damage to enemies. Little Mac will go up in the air while spinning like a drill and will land a powerful uppercut attack to enemies above him. All enemies hit by this attack will be sent flying even higher.

While going up, Little Mac cannot be damaged or interrupted which makes it a great move. The attack speed is also good making this a good air attack for Little Mac. Perform this attack on the ground to make it most effective.

Down Special – Slip Counter

This attack deals 10 damage to enemies. Little Mac will raise his hands in front of him in the form of a block and will wait for a little time. If this time, someone attacks Little Mac the attack will be blocked and he will counter with a powerful uppercut launching enemies away from him. You will need to be very careful for the timing of this attack to make effective use of this powerful special.

Final Smash – Giga Mac Rush

Upon activation, Little Mac will transform into Giga Mac and begins charging at his enemies. During this charge, if an enemy comes in contact with him, Little Mac will unleash a flurry of punches and then end the combo with a massive uppercut launching them away from him.

For other characters, check out our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Characters Guide.

Read more Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Guides.

This concludes our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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